I'm just writing the post because lately I have been a little more down. It is frustrating. I have been to five doctors and all of them have no clue how to do their jobs. So I came to a new doctor and he did a great job and he had tons of ideas about my ribs and how I tore the cartilage between them! Well life was going well. We finally knew what was going wrong and how to fix it. Then this morning I received a call from the doctor. The radiologist went over the xrays and was kind of confused. He said my chest looked like I had bronchitis. So he asked me how I was feeling and of course I am still terribly sore, but I have not been sick really. They checked my white blood cell count to see if it was a gallbladder problem and it isn't. They checked my blood oxygen levels to see if that was a problem. They checked my liver and everything else and so far have drawn lots of blood, but no conclusions. SO basically what this is coming down to is we could use all the prayers we can get right now. If anyone has any ideas other than that I am very much up for the suggestions! Thanks